How to write for Blogging Students | Education |

How to write for Blogging Students | Education |

Girl student using ipad at cafe
Pick a topic that affects other students. Photograph: F1 Online/Rex Features
Since we launched it in January, Blogging Students has been a rip-roaring success, attracting record numbers of readers and making a huge impact on the social media, especially Facebook.
These are the top three blogs so far:
• Why have drug users become so reckless? on 93,000 page views
• And What will you do if you get a 2:2?, currently on 83,000 and still growing.
Those who've written blogs for the series have benefited in several ways: they've got their own contributor page on the Guardian, which is a boost to their CV. If they've joined in the comments on their blog, they've got a C (for contributor) tag next to their name which accompanies them all over the Guardian site.


Mensagens populares deste blogue