“Families who choose online education for their children want the exact same thing that any parent wants – the best education for their kids – they are just choosing a different way to get it.” – USA | daily edventures
“Families who choose online education for their children want the exact same thing that any parent wants – the best education for their kids – they are just choosing a different way to get it.” – USA | daily edventures:

As someone who embraces social media and understands its benefits, it is very hard for me to grasp the concept of those in education not embracing it,” says Stephanie Hoaglund.
Hoaglund is the director of social media at K¹², America’s largest provider of online education for grades K through 12. Their mission is to “fulfill the promise of education for every child.”
Hoaglund is the director of social media at K¹², America’s largest provider of online education for grades K through 12. Their mission is to “fulfill the promise of education for every child.”
Hoaglund, a parent of two and a popular blogger in her own right (she started blogging after her husband’s cancer diagnosis), has seen education from the traditional “brick and mortar” perspective and the newer, online approach. She is passionate about the use of social media in education. “It’s powerful and if used correctly, can make a huge impact on students, parents, admins and anyone else!” she says. “There is nothing complicated — it’s just a different way to hold a conversation with someone, to connect with them, to enlighten them.” She leads the K12 corporate blog, thinktanK12, their Facebook page, YouTube presence and Twitter feed.
Today, she provides insight on why she believes in online education – for any child – and where she believes innovative learning truly begins (hint: it’s not in a classroom!).
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