Foreign languages to be taught at school from age seven | Education | The Guardian

Foreign languages to be taught at school from age seven | Education | The Guardian:

primary school pupils
Learning a foreign language could soon become compulsory for primary school pupils from the age of seven under government reforms Photograph: Don Mcphee for the Guardian
All children are to be taught a foreign language – which could include Mandarin, Latin or Greek – from the age of seven under reforms to thenational curriculum being unveiled by the education secretary, Michael Gove.
In other reforms, children will be encouraged to learn science by studying nature, and schools will be expected to place less emphasis on teachingscientific method.
The introduction of compulsory language teaching in primary schools is intended to reverse the dramatic decline in takeup at GCSE. Pupils will need to be able to speak in sentences, with the appropriate pronunciation, and express simple ideas clearly in another language


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