Creating E-Books with Kindergarteners | The Thinking Stick

Creating E-Books with Kindergarteners | The Thinking Stick:

I have talked about my struggles with using technology with the younger students and how I felt we should be limiting their screen time to really good uses of technology. Uses that don't include iPads as flashcard and game replacement devices. 
cover page monkey cat
What I was struggling with was finding a project that I felt was worth the time away from exploring, running around, building, and imagining things in favor of sitting with a digital device. I still struggle with this actually. If all that iPads and technology can be used for in the younger years is games, flashcard replacement, and a handful of other replacement type tasks then I'm not sure we're getting the bang for our buck with technology. I want it to do more, I want it to redefine the classroom and that's hard when I believe kids should be spending time playing together, interacting, and imagining. Also knowing that outside of school many of them are getting plenty of screen time at home. So what I really am looking for is a project where I can say...that is a good use of technology with Kindergardeners. 
And I found it....


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