South Africa: Teacher Laptop Initiative Back On Track - Motshekga South Africa: Teacher Laptop Initiative Back On Track - Motshekga:

S.A Education Department
        South Africa national senior certificate examination results.
Pretoria — Implementation of the Teacher Laptop Initiative is back on track with more teachers having to access this resource.
"Work on a new funding model, procurement and administration processes to strengthen the initiative is going very well," Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga announced on Thursday during the department's Budget Vote in Parliament.
The Teacher Laptop Initiative was announced in July 2010 with a key focus on teacher training and development in ICT, computer literacy and   pedagogy. The project formed part of a cohesive plan by the department to improve the overall quality of education by making resources available to learners and teachers in the public education sector.
The minister said on Thursday that during the latter part of the year she would be making "a very exciting announcement" in regard to the project.


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