Mozambicans to reduce illiteracy by teaching 1 million a year - Xinhua |

Mozambicans to reduce illiteracy by teaching 1 million a year - Xinhua |

The Mozambican government is to reduce illiteracy by teaching a million youth and adults per year, state radio said Wednesday.
Radio Mozambique said the number of illiterate people in the country stands at 9 million and the great number of people to be covered in the literacy program is in the rural areas,
The radio said under the program, the illiterate rate will be reduced to 30 percent from 48.1 percent by 2015.
Deputy Minister of Education Augusto Jone told the state radio on Wednesday that the Maputo administration is pulling its sox up to reduce the number of people who do not know how to read and write, mainly women.
Jone presided in the capital, Maputo, a ceremony to launch a project on an inclusive literacy in Mozambique.
The project will be implemented by Handicap International, the Mozambican Handicap Association and by the Mozambican Ministry of Education.
According to the minister, the scheme will be developed in Maputo and Matola, the city adjoining the Mozambican capital.


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