12 Reasons to Get Your School District Tweeting This Summer | Edutopia
12 Reasons to Get Your School District Tweeting This Summer | Edutopia:

Joe Mazza (@Joe_Mazza on Twitter) is principal of Knapp Elementary in Lansdale, PA, a school where 20 languages are spoken at home. His blogeFACE Today offers ideas on connecting families using technology. Join #ptchat(parent-teacher chat), which Joe co-hosts on Wednesday nights at 9EST.
Everyone is on Twitter these days, so why not your school district? Twitter provides an easy platform to keep your followers updated -- moment by moment, if necessary! -- about developing situations, sudden brainstorms and calls to action. Following are 12 reasons to get your school district tweeting this summer so that you can hit the ground running at the start of the next school year.
Reason #1: It's a perfect fit to your current mission statement and overall vision.
In our district, we have a fairly comprehensive mission statement that reads something like . . .
"Working collaboratively, our school district will provide an effective, innovative, student-focused community of teaching and learning where students will:
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