Great Science Education Starts With Inspired Teachers
Great Science Education Starts With Inspired Teachers:

Dr. Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, is president and CEO of Sally Ride Science. Each summer her organization hosts the Sally Ride Science Academy Brought to you by ExxonMobil, a teacher development program to strengthen STEM education in the United States. Follow her@SallyRideSci.
Thank you, Dr. Mommaerts. If you hadn’t taken a personal interest in me in high school, who knows what career path I might have followed.
Dr. Mommaerts was the teacher most responsible for me becoming a scientist and an astronaut. She challenged me to be curious, ask questions, and think for myself. But more importantly, she helped me build self-confidence and believe that I could go on to do anything in science. Believe me, I needed some convincing!
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