Just what is gifted and talented? | Teacher Network Blog | Guardian Professional

Just what is gifted and talented? | Teacher Network Blog | Guardian Professional:

boy looking at rare beetle through magnifying glass
How can teachers support the children who have potential that marks them out from their peers? Photograph: www.alamy.com
My daughters are both exceptional at art; my son has always been a mathematical genius. My girls have won prizes for art; my boy has won an academic prize every year of his life, including university scholarships. Are my kids gifted and talented?
What do we mean when by "gifted"? Françoys Gagné (2003) says: "Gifted students are those whose potential is distinctly above average in one or more of the following domains of human ability: intellectual, creative, social and physical. Talented students are those whose skills are distinctly above average in one or more areas of human performance."
Gagne's key word is potential. He believes in the power of environmental factors, that being natively smart isn't enough; a child needs support and guidance to achieve his/her gifted potential. Supporting and encouraging gifted kiddies is exactly where home and school collide.


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