Learning music improves reading skills | AsianPacificPost.com | Chinese newspaper, Filipino newspaper, Philippines newspaper.
Learning music improves reading skills | AsianPacificPost.com | Chinese newspaper, Filipino newspaper, Philippines newspaper.:

Children tutored in music involving progressively complex rhythmic, tonal and practical skills display superior reading skills to their peers, according to a new study.
Joseph M. Piro and Camilo Ortiz from Long Island University said data from the study will help clarify the role of music study on cognition, and shed light on the question of the potential of music to enhance performance in language and literacy.
Piro and Ortiz investigated the hypothesis that children (in two elementary schools) who have received keyboard instruction as part of a music curriculum that becomes progressively difficult over the years, would demonstrate significantly better performance on vocabulary and verbal sequencing than students who did not receive keyboard instruction.
Several studies have reported positive associations between music education and increased abilities in non-musical (linguistic, mathematical, and spatial) domains in children.
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