Education: The Single Most Important Job | Edutopia

Education: The Single Most Important Job | Edutopia

George Lucas
George Lucas is a filmmaker and founder of The George Lucas Educational Foundation, publisher of Edutopia. He shares his thoughts on the benefits of education today in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day.

I was bored in school.
It's true. I didn’t feel like the school system was designed for my learning style. It wasn't until college where I could pursue my passion, making films, that I found my way.
Recently on, we published observations from 8th graders about what they believe creates an engaging learning experience. Their answers were straight-forward and definitive: project-based learning, technology, and an enthusiastic teacher. I couldn’t agree more.
Today, with the power of the Internet, we are experiencing a force that is revolutionizing education and offering opportunities to reach and engage diverse learners like me. When technology is deployed effectively, it can free up teachers from standing in front of the class and presenting information. We can “flip” the classroom with lectures occurring at home via the Internet and rigorous project-based learning taking place in cooperative groups at school. In this environment, teachers can be guides and coaches to the students. What is more powerful in education than a student who is guided by an adult who truly cares -- someone who knows your name, who encourages you, and is committed to your success in life?


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