What would you teach, if you could teach anything? | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional

What would you teach, if you could teach anything? | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional:

Since being asked this question, history lecturer Elizabeth Lewis Pardoe has been thinking hard about how she keeps her subject inspiring and her students interested


What if you could do anything? I ask students this all the time. If money and geography were no object, where would you go and what would you do? My job is to help their wildest dreams become reality. This week someone asked me what I would teach, if I could teach anything. I panicked.
First, just as students doubt my veracity, I doubted my questioner. He didn't really mean anything. He meant within the bounds of the curriculum. To be fair, I don't mean queen of the fairies or king of the world when I pose the question. I mean architect in Amsterdam, soprano at La Scala, zoologist in Zambia, and so on. Even so, freedom is terrifying.


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