Celebrating National Poetry Month with Technology | Edutopia

Celebrating National Poetry Month with Technology | Edutopia:

Mary Beth HertzMary Beth Hertz (@mbteach on Twitter) is an elementary computer teacher in Philadelphia, PA and a regular blogger on Edutopia. You can read more of her work on her own blog at Philly-teacher.

Poetry is one of my favorite forms of writing. As I wrote in a recent blog post, there was a time when poetry was "my grounding force, my way of grappling with the world, questions, uncertainty, joy, sorrow, conundrums, beauty, ugliness and all forms of life that living could throw in my direction."
In 1996, April was named National Poetry Month by the Academy of American Poets to celebrate poetry across the country. If you are planning on incorporating National Poetry Month into your classroom or your school, here are a few of the many great ways to celebrate through the use of technology.


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