Shakira Talks Education at Summit of the Americas | Ecorazzi
Shakira Talks Education at Summit of the Americas | Ecorazzi:

Over 30 world leaders gathered together in Cartagena, Colombia for the annual Summit of the Americas, an event that seeks to find solutions to problems faced in the Western Hemisphere. President Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton were among the thirty leaders joined by singer/activist Shakira who was recently named to Obama’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics.
Shakira delivered a heartfelt speech where she asked world leaders to improve childhood development policies by supporting education. In her speech she remarked, “I am convinced that by far the best way to fight poverty in Latin America is to invest in the education of all our youths, and to do so particularly from the months before they are born. I firmly believe this social investment must come not just from government but from all of us, including those in the business community.”
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