Fort Greene middle schoolers are making movies about local seniors  - NY Daily News

Fort Greene middle schoolers are making movies about local seniors  - NY Daily News:

 Jason Critchlow, 14, l. and Raiden McLean, 14, film documentary at the Willoughby Senior Center in Fort Greene. (NY Daily News Photo/ Robert Mecea)
Jason Critchlow, 14, l. and Raiden McLean, 14, film documentary at the Willoughby Senior Center in Fort Greene.

Fort Greene resident C-Allah Coombs leaned back in his chair and stared deep into the camera as he talked about his worst day on the Fort Hamilton High School basketball team.
"It wasn't good. Dean Meminger scored 50 points on me,” said Coombs. “And he wasn't even a good shooter - just a good defender."
Coombs, 63, recounted his front row seat to the Rice High School prodigy and former New York Knicks’s scoring barrage as part of a filmmaking program for 12 students from the Urban Assembly Academy of Arts and Letters are profiling a group of Fort Greene seniors and turning their stories into two-minute documentaries.


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