“Stop-motion animation as an educational tool creates big results in the learning process and give my students an opportunity to be animation heroes”- Macedonia | daily edventures

“Stop-motion animation as an educational tool creates big results in the learning process and give my students an opportunity to be animation heroes”- Macedonia | daily edventures:

Darko Taleski, Art Teacher - Macedonia

It’s no surprise that an art teacher would employ stop-motion animation to teach art – it’s a creative solution for a creative subject. What is surprising, though, is the way Macedonian teacher Darko Taleski has used the approach to help teach math, science, language and other subjects – twelve in all.  Taleski may have stumbled on one of the most unique ways to engage animation-loving primary students in learning. The process encompasses storytelling, quizzes, interactive lessons, feedback and competition and helps students develop critical thinking and other 21st century skills. Taleski was recognized last month at the Microsoft Partners in Learning European Forum in Lisbon (winner, Educators’ Choice award). We asked him to share more about stop-motion animation as an educational tool and what the program has meant to the rural schools where he teaches.


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