Infographic: The Value of Financial Literacy | Edutopia

Infographic: The Value of Financial Literacy | Edutopia:

Students who learn financial literacy skills gain knowledge that will yield returns well into their future.

Financial literacy pays off. With nearly 20 percent of Americans living beyond their means, education about personal finance is critical. Research indicates that teaching finance to students yields greater money-management skills that carry well into adulthood. 1 out of 5 Americans lives beyond his or her means. Half of Americans do not maintain a budget. Teens spent more than $75 billion in 2011. 35% of high school seniors use credit cards. One in nine people ages 18-24 uses more than 40% of his or her income to pay off debt. Financial literacy can help. High school students who received personal financial education are able to: manage their money better because they have fewer maxed out credit cards, have higher savings, do more comparison shopping, pay debts on time. Between ages 30-49, achieve significantly higher savings and net worth. Sources: Federal Reserve Board, Survey of Consumer Finances 2007. Bernheim, Garrett, & Maki 1997. National Foundation for Credit Counseling's Consumer Financial Literacy Survey 2011. Teen Research Unlimited 2012. JumpStart Coalition Survey of High School Seniors and College Students 2008. Demos and Young Invincibles, The State of Young America 2011. Gutter, Copur, and Garrison 2010. Danes, Huddleston-Casas, and Boyce 1999. Varcoe, Martin, Devitto, and Go 2005.


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