Introducing the Science Museum's pet particle physicist | Science |

Introducing the Science Museum's pet particle physicist | Science |

It's the job of Dr Harry Cliff to bring the Higgs boson and the Large Hadron Collider to South Kensington
Dr Harry Cliff
Dr Harry Cliff: 'It’s unusual to find a role that lets you combine active research with creative science communication.' Photograph: Science Museum
Dr Harry Cliff cheerfully describes himself as the Science Museum's "pet particle physicist". In reality, he's much more than that. The 26-year-old physicist is the museum's new fellow of modern science, and it's his job to bring Cern to South Kensington.
For two days each week, you'll find Harry at his Cambridge lab, where he decodes the data churned out by the Large Hadron Collider. He's part of the LHCb detector team: he is, as he explains in this Bright Club set, something of an expert on bottoms (bottom quarks, that is). He's rather proud of the fact that the LHCb is the most abundant source of bottoms in the world.


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