20 Must-See Facts About The 21st Century Classroom | Edudemic

20 Must-See Facts About The 21st Century Classroom | Edudemic:

The classroom of the future is on your doorstep. We’re getting slapped in the face with technology (sorry about that, partially my fault), flipped classroom models, and innovative ideas.
So what is the current state of the 21st century classroom? How many teachers have computers in their classroom? What are the 3 biggest reasons to use technology in your classroom? A new infographic from Open Colleges spells it out. We had the honor of helping them with this infographic so please spend at least half a second to check it out. Make me think that someone actually sees some of our hard work!

Key Takeaways

  • 91% of teachers have computers in the classroom
  • Just 20% think they have the right level of technology in the classroom
  • More than half of all colleges surveyed say their biggest priority is upgrading their wi-fi system
  • 43% of teachers surveyed have used online games in the classroom
  • 29% of teachers use social networks… 80% of college professors do too.

Click the infographic below to enlarge. Click here to download it as a printable PDF.

21st Century Classroom


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