“I still prefer to see a teacher who teaches with dusty books and a chalkboard but knows how to inspire kids and shows them how interesting learning can be, rather than a high-tech teacher that uses ICT without a bigger plan.” – Belgium | daily edventures
“I still prefer to see a teacher who teaches with dusty books and a chalkboard but knows how to inspire kids and shows them how interesting learning can be, rather than a high-tech teacher that uses ICT without a bigger plan.” – Belgium | daily edventures:

“In my job as ICT Coordinator and as an employee of the biggest teacher web portal in Flanders, I’m in the perfect spot to bring change to education,” says Bram Faems. “I myself am very interested in everything where technology is concerned. And my jobs allow me to put these new technological innovations to the test for their educational use.”
In Faems advising role as ICT Coordinator, he works hand-in-hand with the teachers at his school. Together, they search for ways to best use technology in their classrooms. Faems also works for an online teacher community where he advises teachers from all around the country, and networks with them to discover the latest trends in schools. In fact, networking is Faems passion. “By sharing teaching resources, great ideas are coming right out of the classroom, and are growing exponentially,” he says.
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