Memory tricks and techniques to boost students' learning | Teacher Network Blog | Guardian Professional
Memory tricks and techniques to boost students' learning | Teacher Network Blog | Guardian Professional:
Memory champion and primary teacher Jonathan Hancockshares his secrets for use in class - or even EBacc exams.
Meeting my new class of year 5s last week, I was delighted to see that the Guinness Book of Records is as popular as ever. It's a few years now since my name was in there, but the children still love to look me up and talk about what I did, which gives me the perfect opportunity to excite them about their own memory skills. I'll show them a party trick or two, but what I really love is revealing the secrets, and showing the children how they can do some amazing things themselves.
Memory champion and primary teacher Jonathan Hancockshares his secrets for use in class - or even EBacc exams.

Meeting my new class of year 5s last week, I was delighted to see that the Guinness Book of Records is as popular as ever. It's a few years now since my name was in there, but the children still love to look me up and talk about what I did, which gives me the perfect opportunity to excite them about their own memory skills. I'll show them a party trick or two, but what I really love is revealing the secrets, and showing the children how they can do some amazing things themselves.
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