Evolution of an Information Junkie | Powerful Learning Practice

Evolution of an Information Junkie | Powerful Learning Practice:
"I recently read a post written by Colm O’Regan about Divided Attention Disorder. It was yet another one of those articles talking about how our brains are possibly changing as a result of our constant exposure to online information. We’ve heard similar arguments from Nicholas Carr, who wrote the article “Is Google making us stupid?” and has gone on to pen The Shallows. (It’s worth noting that Nicholas is making a pretty penny cashing in on this message.)
Colm’s description of the way he works from day to day sounds very much like me:
“My Internet browser has 24 tabs open. Among them are three separate attempts to reply to the same e-mail. My online banking session has timed out, and in the corner of my screen a Twitter feed is a never-ending scroll of news and links. Which I click. And click.”"


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