5 Reasons Why E-Books Aren’t There Yet | Epicenter | Wired.com
5 Reasons Why E-Books Aren’t There Yet | Epicenter | Wired.com:
By John C Abell

June 3, 2011 |
2:00 pm |
Categories: Books, Internet Culture & Etiquette, Media

"There are no two ways about it: E-books are here to stay. Unless something as remarkable as Japan’s reversion to the sword occurs, digital books are the 21st century successor to print. And yet the e-book is fundamentally flawed. There are some aspects to print book culture that e-books can’t replicate (at least not easily) — yet."

"There are no two ways about it: E-books are here to stay. Unless something as remarkable as Japan’s reversion to the sword occurs, digital books are the 21st century successor to print. And yet the e-book is fundamentally flawed. There are some aspects to print book culture that e-books can’t replicate (at least not easily) — yet."
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