Why educators, students and schools will want and love Windows 8 - Microsoft in Education blog - Site Home - TechNet Blogs
Why educators, students and schools will want and love Windows 8 - Microsoft in Education blog - Site Home - TechNet Blogs:

At Microsoft, our commitment to education starts with students and teachers. After all, they innovate in education every day. However, putting teachers and students first means partnering with schools to ensure the fast changing-world of technology is relevant and helpful to the instruction in the classroom.
Accessing and utilizing digital content is on the rise around the world and many schools have already begun adopting 1-to-1 environments, whether schools are providing devices or students are bringing their own. We envision modern learning experiences where each student will have a personal learning device because of the promise – and cost-effectiveness of going digital. Learning is increasingly becoming unbound. It is independent of space and time, socio-economic barriers, and physical constraints. In fact, student and teachers are more mobile than ever before. Teaching and learning must adapt to this mobile context to accelerate student engagement and success.
These are monumental industry changes. Today, students and educators need powerful devices that let them create and collaborate on projects and presentations, and consume rich, relevant content in real time – all the time – anywhere.
That’s why I’m so excited about Windows 8 for education. Simply put, Windows 8 is reimagined for learning. It arms schools and teachers with innovations designed to transform students’ learning experiences. It gives students a beautiful, modern way to consume content and allows them freedom to create, collaborate, produce, and share across a range of devices, with touch, mouse and keyboard or pen. Teachers can now use these capabilities to build their students’ 21st century skills, help them graduate and ensure they reach their potential.
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