Set Students Free With Technology in Schools

There is a growing movement in schools to go 1-1 -- namely one computer device per student. This could be part of a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative,a small pilot with one motivated teacher in a school, or a full-scale district implementation of hardware. If you follow #edtech on Twitter, you read all sorts of stories and blogs about computers sitting in boxes or on shelves as districts and schools grapple with what applications to upload, how they should train teachers, and acceptable use policies for students.

There is a growing movement in schools to go 1-1 -- namely one computer device per student. This could be part of a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative,a small pilot with one motivated teacher in a school, or a full-scale district implementation of hardware. If you follow #edtech on Twitter, you read all sorts of stories and blogs about computers sitting in boxes or on shelves as districts and schools grapple with what applications to upload, how they should train teachers, and acceptable use policies for students.
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